There were many proposals for the name of the blog such as: The English bloggers, Vedruna information, Students bloggers, The students information, Little bloggers, The mega blog... But the winner proposal is Vedrunus blog. The "Vedrunus blog had 6 votes and "The English bloggers " had 5 votes. The voting was exciting because the results were very close.
On Friday, 13th October Anna showed us her summer holidays photo. On Tuesday , 17th October Martí showed us that he went to a Berga camping resort.
Martí. Marina. Albert C., Xavier P ., Xavi Mollà.
Today in class we are choosing the name of the blog. The class is choosing with votes. the winner is vedrunus blog. The second one in votes is the English blogger.
Patrícia, Joan.C , Anna , Oriol , Alejandro.
Today in the class we created a Blog and to choose the name of the blog we wrote on the board different names for the title. Then we voted two names, we had a draw. Then David Miguel forgot to put his vote and he voted Vedrunus Blog.
Vedrunus Blog won.
Daniela, Xènia, Rita, Ivan.
These are the votes for the name of our blog and we decided this together and the winner is Vedrunus blog.
These are the proposed names: #go to bloggers#, The bloggers bros, Super happy bloggers 😊, Vedruna information, The English blogger, Student bloggers, English classes, We can write in English, Little Bloggers, Vedruna blog, Imma infok, Friends for one blog, The best blog, Super blog, Bloggers, The Megablog, Vedruna English, Let's write, Your blog, Our blog, The study information, The students blog.
We voted two names for the blog and the name of the blog is Vedrunus blog.
Joan A., Oscar, Laia Judit